Tuesday 8 August 2017

FollowingLike Coupon Code Legit? Q&A

Q: Hello, all my issues are about Instagram. 1-Intervall: we searched before to create something about intervall period for instagram likes.

I'd like to see easily m correctly using this program but i really do not understand how.

I used 15-27 Intervall time for just like.

In this i view it "liked" 8 times however when i click for detailed informations it only offers me the "240 ms timeouts". Will there be ways to verify that is working since it should?

My spouse and i m sorry for the "noob" question we m new about bots.

A: If your task is to like content. Interval period means: how very long will this program pause when it's to just like the next content if you want to like 2 articles in each work. The unit for this is secs. You can view the Timeout options in so on module.
You should start to see the interval time settings on the Communication tab.

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